
What is the function of the heart?

Your heart’s main function is to move blood throughout your body. Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It also takes away carbon dioxide and other waste so other organs can dispose of them.

Your heart also:

  • Controls the rhythm and speed of your heart rate.

  • Maintains your blood pressure.

Your heart works with these body systems to control your heart rate and other body functions:

  • Nervous system: Your nervous system helps control your heart rate. It sends signals that tell your heart to beat slower during rest and faster during stress.

  • Endocrine system: Your endocrine system sends out hormones. These hormones tell your blood vessels to constrict or relax, which affects your blood pressure. Hormones from your thyroid gland can also tell your heart to beat faster or slower.

Functions of the Heart:

1. Pumping Blood

  • The heart pumps oxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body and deoxygenated blood from the body back to the lungs for oxygenation.

2. Circulatory Pathways

  • Pulmonary Circulation: The right side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood into the lungs via the pulmonary artery, where it picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

  • Systemic Circulation: The left side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the entire body through the aorta, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues.

3. Oxygen and Nutrient Distribution

  • The blood that is pumped to organs and tissues carries oxygen and nutrients necessary for cellular metabolism and energy production.

4. Removal of Waste Products

  • Blood returning from the body carries carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products to be expelled via the lungs and kidneys.

5. Regulation of Blood Pressure

  • The heart helps maintain blood pressure by adjusting the force and rate of contractions, ensuring that blood flows efficiently through arteries and veins.

6. Electrical Impulses for Rhythmic Beating

  • The heart has an intrinsic electrical system (SA node, AV node, bundle of His, and Purkinje fibers) that controls the heartbeat, ensuring that the heart contracts rhythmically and efficiently to pump blood.

In essence, the heart's main function is to maintain the circulation of blood, which supports life by delivering oxygen and nutrients while removing waste products.

Anatomy Useful Links

  1. Function of the heart

  2. Layers of the heart

  3. Blood Vessels of the heart

  4. Chambers of the heart

  5. Valves of the heart

  6. Blood flow of the heart

  7. Heart Sounds

  8. Cardiac Cycle

  9. Cardiac Output

  10. Conduction system of the heart

  11. Action potential of the heart